Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Divorce Italian Style

Without much fanfare an Italian Senate commission on Justice matters has recommended a measure be brought before parliament allowing for a reduction in minimum period required to obtain a divorce. The recommendation calls for the reduction from 3 years to 1 year (or perhaps 6 months, where there are no children involved).

While the measure was voted for without objection by the members of the commission, members of the Catholic centrist party the UDC have come out strongly against the measure, despite the fact that many amongst their ranks are twice married, including ‘family values’ man and party leader Pier Ferdinando Casini.

President of the UDC deputies, Luca Volontè, pulls no punches as to what this legislation will mean:
“The government, in a state of madness doesn’t just not help millions of families that face economic difficulties, but actually favours their separation. Modernity, for these people, isn’t progress, but a return to Sodom and Ghomorra”[1]

A return to the times of Sodom and Ghomorra? Maybe not the best of times then for his party leader, Pier Ferdinando Casini, to recomend a return to Nuclear energy in Italy…

[1] “La maggioranza, ormai in pieno stato di follia – conclude Volontè – non solo non aiuta le milioni di famiglie che versano in difficoltà economiche, ma anzi ne favorisce lo sfascio. La modernità, per questi signori, non è il progresso, ma un ritorno a Sodoma e Gomorra”. Divorzio/Volonte – Virgillio