Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Phil Murphy

ELO – Mr Blue Sky

Wednesday, October 1st, 2008

Imagine the scene: The revolutionary court stands to order as its three women judges enter. There’s a tension in the air, the atmosphere is electric, as the accused stands in all his fuzzy-faced glory. There was a time in the mid-eighties when all you could hear on the radio had his reverbed vocals, and now […]

Kid (Kitsch) Rock’s All Summer Long

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008

Lynnrd Skynrd‘s Sweet Home Alabama had two things going for it (more than many songs): A riff to launch a thousand ships, and an authenticity that was carved into the song by both its lyrics and delivery. Its two-fingered salute to Neil Young was just part of it. This song stood on its own merits, […]

Boyz – M.I.A

Tuesday, August 5th, 2008

I’m a fence-sitter (as painful as that may be, literally and metaphorically) when it comes to the dread argument about Politics in music. Like most things in life, it all depends on how it’s done. When you forget the primacy of the song, whilst evangelising, you’d be better off – and equally effective, which is […]

Hanging out with excellence – Moneypenny

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008

The artist Robert Luxemburg, in the thought-provoking Steal this film II (freely available through bit-torrent – download it, watch it, pass it on), talks about the absolute fear that record companies and the film industry have that the average consumer will, with the aid of cheap technology, morph themselves into producers. With the aid of […]

The Making of MirrorMask

Thursday, September 1st, 2005

“It’s an original project, and the way that it came about was like this,” starts writer Neil Gaiman, addressing an audience of devoted fans, in the Italian city of Bologna, eager to hear about his new film collaboration MirrorMask. “In the summer of 2001, I got a phone call from Lisa Henson, Jim Henson’s daughter, […]