Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Franita in the Kitchen

Recipe for Salame di Cioccolata (Chocolate Salami)

Monday, November 1st, 2004

WOW, this has to be my favourite dessert! And it is the first dish that all children learn how to make, unless they are glued to TV or to a computer screen all day. My mum used to make it when we were kids, and she would give us one thin slice each, every night, […]

Spicy Pumpkin Chutney

Friday, October 1st, 2004

We couldn't avoid having one or two pumpkin recipes in this October edition of Three Monkeys Online! I chose this spicy chutney to celebrate the very Irish feast of Halloween. When I prepare this during the summer I replace the jam with fresh sweet apricots.It's delicious served with strong hard cheeses, to accompany simple chicken […]

Tortelli di Zucca (Pumpkin Ravioli) – A recipe.

Friday, October 1st, 2004

To give an Italian touch to your Halloween, try this recipes for delicate ravioli filled with pumpkin. They are at their best with a pork sausage dressing, or more simply with butter, Parmesan cheese and sage. This dish can be found in many localities of Pianura Padana, the flat Po valley in Northern Italy, and […]

Turkey Rollovers – a recipe

Friday, October 1st, 2004

Simple, delicious, healthy and cheap. What you need (for two people) : 4 turkey breast slices50 gr. diced mortadella50 gr. diced cheddar or emmanthal cheese olive oilsaltpepperoregano How you do it: On the turkey slices (well flattened), lay down a mix of mortadella and cheese cubes. If you don't like or you can't find mortadella, […]

Pasta dello stivale. (Pasta from the boot)

Wednesday, September 1st, 2004

The whole of Italy is in this dish, with a simple recipe that puts together flavours and shapes from the Alps to Sicily. And please acknowledge that on purpose I left out my home land – Romagna – to avoid accusations of being 'campanilistic'. However, if you wish, you could replace orecchiette with the mythical […]

Frittata alle zucchine

Wednesday, September 1st, 2004

A ten minute recipe for when you come in from work and there's virtually nothing in the fridge except two close-to-gone-off courgettes, an onion and an open packet of diced smokey bacon. Actually, make sure the eggs are fresh!! If you didn't even have the chance to stop by the bakery, serve with toasted wholemeal […]

Exotic Chicken with Almonds and Coconut Milk

Wednesday, September 1st, 2004

This recipe is totally invented, being a mix of Brasilian, Chinese and Thai style cuisines. I feel I should warn you that the preparation is quite lengthy and the washing up quite heavy (inevitably you end up using every single utensil in your kitchen), but I can assure you that the result will be worth […]

Tagliolini all'Aida

Sunday, August 1st, 2004

If the Sicilians have their Pasta alla Norma, to honour Mr. Bellini, well, in Emilia-Romagna we can rightly celebrate the great Maestro, Giuseppe Verdi, with this simple and tasty recipe! What you need (for three people): 2 courgettes (or zucchini)60 gr. courgettes flowers80 gr. pancetta (or bacon) ½ onion250 gr. tagliolini (o taglierini, very thin […]

Gramigna with Sweet Pepper Sauce

Thursday, July 1st, 2004

Although gramigna (short, curly pasta tubes) is at its best with meat-based sauces, this vegetarian variant combines the sweet flavour of the peppers with that sharp of capers and chilli peppers, and it is a perfect summery dish. What you need (for two people): half a yellow pepperhalf a red pepperdeseeded black olives an handful […]

Strozzapreti (Priest-Chokers) from Romagna. Between History, Customs and Recipes.

Thursday, July 1st, 2004

The region of Romagna in Italy, notorious as a land of sins and sinners, is also the homeland to a number of tasty and curious food delicacies, that go beyond the nowadays very popular piadina (Editor’s note:a type of flat bread popular in bars and restaurants across Italy, but originating in Romagna). Amongst the pasta […]