Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Time’s Arrow

A propos of nothing in particular, I offer this link to a fascinating record of a family’s birth, growth, and maturation. You can find out more about the Argentinean photojournalist behind the project, Diego Goldberg, here. What is interesting is that the stark portraits of this attractive family encourage speculation about the lives led between the shots–in my case, I wonder what it was like to attempt to lead a bourgeois existence in a society most of us in Europe know only from history books and dystopian fiction: a fascist regime under which thousands simply disappeared during the night. And in recent years, the Argentine economy has gone into freefall, with malnutrition common in the slums of this once prosperous nation.So would I look at these people differently if I knew they were from placid, stable states such as France or Italy?