Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Spoke too soon?

So, less than an hour after I posted my why-oh-why plaint about Airtricity, the following message arrived, from the company’s Senior Marketing Executive no less:”Hi ShaneThanks for your emailThe current Customer Agreement Form can be used by both commercial and residential customers signing up to Airtricity. We should have the new Residential form up on the website tomorrow, but in the interim all customers can use it.If you have any questions completing the form, please ring one of the Customer Services team on 1850 40 40 70″Well, now I’m about 50% mollified/chagrined–my query e-mail was sent on Monday morning and replied to by Tuesday afternoon. Not bad, I suppose. But I still think it should be easier for would-be customers to sign up–a PDF form doesn’t really cut it any more.