Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

News for Parrots

Way back when, Monty Python had a sketch mocking the insularity of BBC newscasters. The “News for Parrots” delivered an unashamedly parrot-centric view of the world: “Good evening. Here is the News for parrots. No parrots were involved in an accident on the M1 today, when a lorry carrying high octane fuel was in collision with a bollard … that is a bollard and not a parrot. A spokesman for parrots said he was glad no parrots were involved.”
This moth-eaten scrap of satire floated into my mind this morning while reading the Irish Independent’s take on the recent turmoil in Hungary:

Hungarian crisis could be disaster for property investors

Of course, those parrots, I mean concerned Irish property investors already have enough to fret about. I mean, will the weather hold for the Ryder Cup ?