Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Let the reader decide, let the reader beware*

The Complete Review reports on the arrival at their offices of the latest, and possibly last, wrist-snapping 1100-page meganovel from that PoMo giant, Thomas Pynchon. They suggest that the book Against The Day “most resembles is, indeed, Gravity’s Rainbow. But that’s just a very quick first impression: this is definitely a text it’s going to take a while to deal with.”

What has changed since the release of Gravity’s Rainbow over thirty years ago is the Internet, specifically Google and Wikipedia. Will Pychon’s taste for esoterica, technical, linguistic or demotic, seem quite so intriguing when prosaic explanations are just a few keystrokes away? Will Against The Day ever require something like this?

*From Pychon’s description on