Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

A crusade of hetero-justice!

First some background: As you might have heard, piffling issues such as the war in Iraq and the stalled reconstruction of New Orleans were brushed aside this week by many U.S. media outlets. Instead they focused on the arrest of U.S Senator and (erstswhile?) member of the Singing Senators Larry Craig, who was unfortunate enough to pick an undercover cop to play footsie with in the stalls of the toilets in a Minnesota airport.

Enter TV pundit Tucker Carlson, a noisome jerk who wears bow-ties in lieu of an appealing personality. Joining the media scrummage over family-values Craig’s faux pas, this talking head boasted to his chuckling cable host of indulging in a bit of manly gay-bashing after being “bothered” by a man in a restroom in a Washington, D.C.

So, without further ado, I introduce you to the rather excellent “Savior of the Men’s Room.”

Link via James Wolcott’s blog.