Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Now Can We Panic?

Or should we sit chewing our crud in bovine placidity as the police and state prosecution service finally disappears into PiS’s back pocket, soles of their boots and loafers visible to all? Vaclav Havel suggested international observers be sent to monitor elections in Poland when PiS – err, the police – arrested people who were starting to speak out against the party. He was being hysterical, they said: it couldn’t happen here. Now it turns out the police are rounding up opposition activists in connection with alleged election campaign financing irregularities going back two years. Their “investigation” has been going on for nine months but it was felt in ruling State Prosecution/Police/PiS circles that now, coincidentally just before an election, was a good time to move up a gear and begin the mass interrogations. Even right wing law’n’order type Ludwik Dorn is embarrassed, and has suggested the cops ease off.

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