Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Macaronic McCarthy

Or a fragmentary synopsis of Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West derived from some of the English and Spanish words I had to look up:

bistre; chine; tang; jornada; jacal; pritchel; frizzen; bungstarter; vadose; vernier sight; lobo; sotol; tapadero; felloe; duledge; monocline; kerf; rebozo; almagre; carreta; escopeta; legbail; pauldron; ocotillo; squail; weskit; sutler; garrafa; quena; bedight; Anareta; campesino; malabarista; azotea; pyrolatrous; ossature; cresset; querent; parfleche; madstone; buskin; apishamore; tlaco; surbate; quirt; mare imbrium; lanneret; cantle; aguardiente; clackdish; ambuscado; cuartel; calculus; huarache; vidette; duff; malpais; mochila; acequias; kiva; stob; spancel; hogan.