Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

The Revolving Door

According to the latest Polityka Rafał Antczak has a new job. Antczak was one of the three authors of an article in Gazeta Wzborcza about how we can’t afford to be so rich. I was later able to reveal (i.e. I read the paper) that the think tank Antczak worked for (CASE) received funding from insurers PZU – Antczak’s new employer.

And while I’m at it, here’s the font of wisdom, in March 2005, carefully selecting his examples in his contribution to the debate on the movement of Polish workers and the EU:

It’s worth remembering what happened with previous enlargements [of the EU]. Portuguese and Spanish people returned from emigration to take advantage of the dramatic economic growth in their countries

As of course did Irish people – twenty five years after Ireland joined the EEC.

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