Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Miej chwyt na jego spryt

So goes the slogan in a cack-handed ad for a credit card. It means, roughly, “make sure you’re up to his tricks.” The ad (I can’t find a decent picture to link to) shows a dodgy looking guy in a tracksuit with a gold chain around his neck. Underneath the slogan (which is not in inverted commas) is written: “Zenon P. pickpocket.” (In Poland you are referred to by first name and the intitial of your surname when criminal charges have been brought against you.) So it would seem the words are spoken by Zenon. But if that’s the case, whose tricks? Not Zenon’s, because then it would be “make sure you’re up to my tricks.” Maybe it’s little Zenon warning you against the bank’s tricks — such as playing on (and inevitably stoking) people’s fear of crime and disguising credit card ads as public service announcements. Another line at the bottom reads “be safe – use a credit card.” Of course, there is no such thing as credit card fraud, or if there were, the banks would surely tell us.

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