Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine


After extensive research (one and a half minutes on Google) I have been unable to find the source for “no matter who you vote for the government always wins.” It’s certainly true here in Poland, with local elections just over and a government still firmly in power.

An interesting difference of opinion has come out in the media, though. Today’s super Fakt tabloid says the turn-out was “marna” (miserable, lousy), while Gazeta Wyborcza says excitedly that it was “?wietna” (splendid, excellent). Fakt announced a turn-out of 34%, GW of 45-49%. Piotr Pacewicz, in GW, actually writes

Serce ros?o wraz z rosn?cymi w ci?gu dnia szacunkami frekwencji wyborczej. Na pewno b?dzie o kilka dobrych punkt�w wy?sza ni? w wyborach parlamentarnych 2005, kiedy przestraszyli?my si?, ?e z udzia?em w g?osowaniu b?dzie coraz gorzej.
The heart has swollen along with the increasing turn-out estimates during the day. It [the turn-out, not the heart, presumably] will certainly be a good few points higher than in 2005’s parliamentary elections, when we feared voter participation would be ever worse

Yes, he really wrote that, and he’s a grown man.

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