Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Clever Lawyers

In the case against Dr. G, the doctor falsely and publicly accused by Poland’s minister for justice of murder, the prosecution intends calling on expert witnesses, from abroad if necessary. Marek Celej has this to say about it in last week’s Polityka

Nie bardzo sobie wyobrażam, jak taki biegły miałby zeznawać w sądzie. Przecież język sformułowań medycznych jest hermetyczny i pełen niuansów. Dla tłumacza to szalenie trudne zadanie, boję się, że niemożliwe.
I can’t really imagine how an expert would testify in court. The language of medical formulations is hermetic and full of nuances. For a translator it is a very difficult task, one, which, I fear, is impossible.

Yes, we are stupid, we translators. How could we possibly hope to understand the nuanced language of doctors? Celej could, even though he is not, as you might think, a doctor. No, he is a judge – a lawyer. Of course lawyers are clever enough to understand expert testimony – as is the jury of twelve average people – but a mere translator would be all at sea.

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