Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Absurd Drama

“Unknown Man: I’ll be around for some time. I have a mission to accomplish.
Unknown Man: And all the time the volcano beneath our feet is seething and boiling. We are riddled through and through with conspiracies, secret societies, plots…
Onek: Yes! The dirty bloody hunchbacks are plotting!
Unkown Man: What hunchbacks…
Onka: My husband has been feeling unwell for some time. Please pay no attention to him.
Student: Do you suspect us? (Everyone turns to the student. The student stands up.) Mr. Onek, I call on you in the name of the law. Is it your opinion that the law permits insinuation? Either charges are to be brought against us – in which case we are entitled to legal defence and I nominate you as my solicitor – or we are free of suspicion.
Onek: My speciality is inheritance cases…
Student: In that case I consider it inappropriate for me to remain any longer in this unclear legal situation.”

The above comes from Sławomir Mrożek’s paranoia and suspicion ridden satire Garbus (The Hunchback) (act 2, scene 7) and was written in the 70s. O dwóch takich, co ukradli księżyc (About those two who stole the moon), a children’s film, was made in 1962 and, as well as hunchbacks, also features Lech and Jarosław Kaczyński in starring roles.

I’m just saying, is all.


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