Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

William Wall

Riding Against the Lizard – On the need for anger now. Towards a poetics of anger

Sunday, February 1st, 2009

“Anger is the political sentiment par excellence. It brings out the qualities of the inadmissible, the intolerable. It is a refusal and a resistance that with one step goes beyond all that can be accomplished reasonably in order to open possible paths for a new negotiation of the reasonable but also paths of an uncompromising […]

Dear Barack – an open letter

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

Dear Barack, As you know, many people around the world who are not citizens of the USA are hopeful about your election, even people of the left. There are two factors at play here. Firstly, and, I’m sorry to say, most importantly, we’ve all had a bellyful of the previous incumbent and would have been […]