Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

On recognising comment spam – in an Italian political setting

You know you’re getting spammed in the comments when you receive a gushing tribute, to a post you wrote about Walter Veltroni,  saying that the topic is ‘quite trendy on the net at the moment’.  You can say many things about Walter Veltroni – and many do – but to the best of this blog’s knowledge the former leader of the PD’s, the man who resigned after his strategy of ignoring Berlusconi was shown up as the most ill-advised move this side of invading Iraq, is anything but a very trendy topic of discussion on-or-off-line.

Incidentally, for those of you out there who run blogs and wonder what the purpose of these strange laudatory comments are, most of them are in order to get access to post unlimited spam messages on your blog having exploited one of the WordPress discussion settings. The setting in question is ‘Comment author must have a previously approved comment before a comment appears’.  Succumbing to vanity and approving such an introductory  comment, while you have that setting on, opens the door for them to flood your blog with rotten stuff that will do your search engine rankings no-good whatsoever. You have been warned.