Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

William MacDougall

Supersize me? Fast Food’s Power Without Responsibility.

Sunday, August 1st, 2004

Depending on what side of the sesame seed bun you stand on, it's either the best or worst of times for the fast food industry. Sure, the fast food chains have been taking some big hits of late; not least from Morgan Spurlock's Supersize Me which has helped put burgers and fries firmly back on […]

McKIDS: McDonalds add clothes to the menu, while the US and UK administrations fudge the issue.

Saturday, May 1st, 2004

A week before last year’s Justin Timberlake endorsed World Children’s Day (“November 20 at McDonald’s – Save the date to help the world’s children” © McDonald’s), McDonald’s formally announced its intent to further extend the brand with the launch of “McKids”, an ambitious plan to license the McDonald’s brand name to a range of companies […]