Three Monkeys Online

A Curious, Alternative Magazine

Malcolm MacClancy

Malcolm Mac Clancy's poetry has most recently appeared in Agenda, The London Magazine and Poetry Ireland Review. He is lyricist with 'Interference', a band described by RTÉ as, “almost mythical, definitely legendary.” Die Welt newspaper described Malcolm as “one of the troubadours of the digital age”.

The Night Porpoise

Thursday, December 11th, 2014

The giant porpoise of the sky Swims over the village after dark. Moon irradiation renders it invisible But I can feel the down-draft from its tail-fin Even on the stillest night. Every darkness when it is deepest – Which means closest to us – I hear it sing distinctly; Sympathetic; I vibrate – A leaf […]

The Lion Tamer

Monday, October 6th, 2014

The Lion-Tamer Someone said he met his death Like a lion-tamer Who decided to tease his animals Until he could tempt them no longer. He misconstrued their appetite And left the circus divided. Someone called him a ‘Hero’, Someone else preferred, ‘The Fool’, A third party argued life was a show And commended the part […]